Hidden Game

Press "w s a d" to play the snake game



The Hidden game is to hid the common "snake game" under a text/book that allow user to play the game and pretend to be studying. The "Page #" indicates how many apple that your snake has eat. Red Block indicates the apple, and the light yellow block line indicate the snake.


Design Process, Reflections and Observations

Design Process:

The concept of "hidden game" was inspired by my childhood memory. My parents used to check on me when I was in middle school during my study time. I would always pretending that I am studying, but the truth is that I was playing games or reading fiction books. So I want to design this project that looks like you are reading a text of chinese poetry, but you are atually playing the game that hidden under it.
In this project, the reciviers are teenager who want to play game secretly, and the prehaps teachers and parents are people who teenager want to hide the game from.

Concept Development:

Initial Idea

My initial design was to make snake and apple the actual character of the poetry/article. However, my limited knowledge of P5.js impeded this idea. So I created the snake game first by creating a underline block system. Then the apple used random() location to generate a random apple everytime when snake eat one.

Use "w,s,a,d" to play

Then overlay the text on top of the game. Use the for()loop to draw a grid system that similar to the snake game grid system. Thus, looks like they are sharing a same grid system. With help from DT-tutor Jason Li, I was able to make the text on top of snake game.


There are many places that I still need to improve. For instance: